MAX HRM’s Jasmine Chang-Howe Delivers Workshop to Students
To provide students with tips and insights into how to define their career priorities and look for a job in the Netherlands, Wittenborg invited the general manager of MAX HRM, Jasmine Chang-Howe, to conduct the hybrid workshop “What are your values?”.
During her presentation, delivered on 22 February, Chang-Howe discussed topics such as work-life balance, salary structure in the Netherlands, career development and goals, how to read a job description, and how to approach interviews and negotiate salaries. The activity was attended by 42 participants, who actively engaged in the workshop by asking multiple questions and sharing their experiences and perspectives.
Among other tips, the guest lecturer stressed that, when planning their careers, professionals should consider aspects such as their lifestyles and what they would like to achieve in life. “Self-fulfilment is the most important aspect of your career and, apart from your role in the company, you need to consider what you can offer to society, your friends and family, as well as what you expect to receive. If you are only looking for money, you will reach middle-age and start questioning yourself, instead of looking back and cherishing your achievements because they have brought you happiness,” Chang-Howe said.
To MBA student Blessing Ilounoh, specialising in Health & Social Care, the most insightful and thought-provoking takeaway from the activity is that job applicants are not expenses, but assets to the organisation that is interviewing them. “This was a great workshop and, with this mindset, I am much more confident in assessing and honing the skills that I want to bring to the table of my would-be employers. That sense and sort of preparedness for an interview, in my opinion, is success waiting to happen,” Ilounoh highlighted.
Wittenborg’s Support Office & External Relations Coordinator, Xiaoli Wu, who organised the guest lecture, explained that she invited Chang-Howe to this workshop due to her significant experience in recruiting and headhunting, as well as her extensive network in the job market. “I am very satisfied with the outcome of this activity, not only because we had more participants than we expected, but also because it has helped our students, as well as some staff members, in a very practical way.”
WUP 16/3/2022
by Ulisses Sawczuk