News & Events
Chinese New Year Celebration organized by the China Committee of the Royal Dutch Industrial Club
Thanks to the annual Chinese New Year Celebration organized by the China Committee of the Royal Dutch Industrial Club (Koninklijke IGC, Koninklijke Industrieele Groote Club) was a complete success. Mr. TAN Jian, Chinese Ambassador to the Netherlands, and Mr. Wouter...
SGET|绿色能源与可持续发展-欧洲市场的机遇与挑战总第89期 (线上+线下)
Multiculturele duurzaamheid in de Sino-Nederlandse organisatie
Duurzaamheid is in de huidige geglobaliseerde wereld al gauw een belangrijk thema. Iedereen zoekt voortdurend naar betere methodes om duurzaamheid te verbeteren. Dit essentiële duurzaamheidsstreven en de uitdagingen gevormd door culturele verschillen hebben...
50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China & The Netherlands
MAX HRM sponsored event, the Royal IGC China Tafel celebration of the Moon Festival and the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the Netherlands & China, was a big success! The keynote speakers were Mr. TAN Jian, Chinese Ambassador to the Netherlands,...
Servant-Leadership Symposium on Monday 17 May 2022
Free register via: for the ‘We Shall Overcome’ Servant-Leadership Symposium on Monday 17 May 2022, 11:00-13:00 hrs at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. This online symposium ‘We Shall Overcome’ is on the 21th symposium in an annual series, a meeting place...
MAX HRM Workshop to Students
MAX HRM's Jasmine Chang-Howe Delivers Workshop to Students To provide students with tips and insights into how to define their career priorities and look for a job in the Netherlands, Wittenborg invited the general manager of MAX HRM, Jasmine Chang-Howe, to conduct...
40th anniversary Shanghai – Rotterdam
MAX HRM looks back on successful trade mission to China This june Rotterdam and Shanghai celebrate their 40th sister city anniversary. A time for Rotterdam to reflect on what we have achieved, but also a great opportunity to deepen and broaden the relations. During...
Hangzhou held European Market Investment Summit
挟一带一路春风“走出去”,杭州召开英国与欧洲市场投资与人力峰会 “英国与欧洲市场投资及合规用工峰会”于4月22日在杭州白沙泉并购金融街区运营中心隆重举行。 本次峰会由上海世智人力资源有限公司、力马人力资源(MAX HRM)、必臻(Blick Rothenberg)会计事务所、ebl MR律师事务所、浙江省企业法律顾问协会、白沙泉并购金融中心联合主办。 这次峰会还得到伦敦发展促进署的大力支持。...
转发 | 人才抢手,“引才引智,中荷社招”招聘会鹿特丹成功举办
SINO-DUTCH Career fair 2018 一个由荷兰力马人力资源(MAX HRM)公司主办,鹿特丹发展局、Capelle aan den Ijssel 市政府协办的第二届 “职”等你来,“引才引智,中荷社招”人才招聘会,4月22日全天在鹿特丹一座古典风格的建筑物Schielandshuis 成功举办,有200多位高科技人才前来应聘。 参加招聘的,有中国国内多个高新技术园区,包括有青岛西海岸新区、青岛国家高新开发区、济南高新区和嘉善中荷产业园等;也有不少公司企业,包括南方航空公司、海尔、新奥、MRLED...
Netherlands economic mission to China
Netherlands economic mission to China has resulted in nearly a quarter of a billion euros in orders according to Minister Kaag of foreign trade. In the city of Guangzhou, 36 contracts and other cooperation agreements including the one signed by MAX HRM b.v....
关注 “一网荷兰” 微信公众号: 1. 长按最下方的二维码,选择“识别图中二维码(Extract QR code)”,来关注我们。 2. 点击屏幕右上角“一网荷兰”(标题下方),来关注我们。 3. 在“添加朋友”中选择“公众号”,搜索“hollandone”,来关注我们。 随着中国公司海外投资、收购和并购的增多,中资公司及收并购后的公司在海外人力资源及其整合的问题凸显。 ...
100个猎头赚钱故事 本期嘉宾 常文佳 力马人力资源管理服务公司 总经理 专题| 《100个猎头的赚钱故事》中国猎头如何打破思维定式,搞定跨国订单? 更多内容点击: 在海外做猎头,和国内有很大不同。尽管国内的HR们工作流程已经和国际上大公司的同行相差无几,但是在实践中还是有很多差别。...
10月23日下午,第17届中国青岛蓝色经济国际人才暨产学研合作洽谈会举行青岛高新区集中签约仪式。市政府党组成员,红岛经济区、青岛高新区工委书记王作安,市人社局局长纪敏,青岛高新区工委副书记、管委主任尚立群出席签约仪式。 现场达成合作的50多个海外高层次人才和高端产学研项目进行了集中签约,签约项目涵盖软件信息产业、医疗医药产业、智能制造与新材料产业、互联网产业、金融业、高端服务业等6大主导产业。...
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Westersingel 39B
3014GS Rotterdam, The Netherlands
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